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February News

A Note From Our Principal

The New Year is off to a great start so far and we’re enjoying spending the winter season with you and your children. Our classroom focus on hibernation, migration and adaptation allow our student to understand the world around them while applying science to their everyday observations.

Presidents are all over the classroom as we begin a unit on money.  We will identify the presidents on the coins and older children will learn about the symbols on the penny, nickel, dime & quarter.  Younger students will learn how to polish their pennies and learn that 5 pennies are the same as on nickel or two nickels are the same as one dime.  Older students will be introduced to money related math problems according to their capabilities.

It’s certainly shaping up to be a great rest of the school year!


Chris Booth

Priority Enrollment for the 2020-2021 School Year

Are you planning on re-enrolling for the next school year? We hope so! Early bird registration will open soon so keep checking in!  Our administration team is available to address any questions or concerns you have.

We love our parents!

Do you know any parents who have recently moved to the area, are expecting a baby or are unhappy with their current preschool? We value our current parents and would love more families like yours at our school! Refer a new family to our school and your family could receive a free week of tuition. For more information, see Mrs. Booth.


  • February 14th—School closed for Professional Development Day
  • February 17th—School closed for President’s Day
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